Contrax February 2023 Update

The Contrax Team
3 min readFeb 1, 2023


Contrax doesn’t slow down! In our first month, we made some significant changes to our app to sprint closer to our mainnet goal. The major updates this month include Uniswap integration, USD value selection, Web3Auth for an improvement and simplified experience, and of course, new farms! On top of both formal and informal beta testing, Contrax will soon have a bug bounty program up for all of our Contrax on Immunify.

Check the app out here!

UX Improvements ✨

Contrax has changed a lot in the last month. We’ve been tweaking the UI, with the most notable change being the option to choose between entering your farm deposit amounts in your token’s USD value or the actual token amount. With many farms zapping in from ETH, we thought it would be easier to type in “$100” instead of “0.061.”

Also, our swap tool has been swapped — with the Uniswap that is! Although just having ETH is enough for most farms on the dApp, we do want to give the option to enter the single sided staking farms with their actual staking asset, so the Uniswap widget will allow you to pick up whatever you need.

We also combine the share percentage with the liquidity column and added an info hover, therefore keeping the info about the farm visible to just the most essential details.

Log in With Social Media 👥

Contrax has integrated Web3Auth to allow users to log in with Google, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, or just an email. This will mean no more web3 pop ups and confirming transactions, if that is your preference. If you just want to connect with Metamask or another web3 wallet and confirm each transaction, that is still — and always will be — an option.

Plutus-WETH Farm is up 🚜

In our beta phase, we have been mainly putting up simple farms for the purposes of ensuring our architecture is built right, resilient, and can take whatever tests we throw at it. Now, are moving toward demand-based listing of farms, and to start, we have added Plutus and FRAX farms with the highest APYs out there at the time of posting this blog post. Plutus is up and Frax will be in just a bit. If you’d like to see any specific farm, let us know.

The Next Steps for Contrax

These are the current goals we are working toward. If you can help with any of these, feel free to reach out:

  1. Fiat Gateway: Contrax is currently trying to integrate a third-party fiat gateway. The on-boarding processes for these gateways is a bit of a dance, but we are hoping to get one up this month.
  2. Additional Farms: Farms are our main product offering. We plan to keep adding farms from respectable Arbitrum projects with compelling APYs.
  3. Smart Contracts Audit: We are currently in the process of listing all of our farms on a bug bounty platform, and are in talks with auditing agencies to find the right way to set up Contrax for continuous auditing.

Join Our Community 🔗

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Check out our app for yourself, here.



The Contrax Team

Contrax provides DeFi scaling tools to new and existing projects. Check it out at